Simple Word Counter | P-Super SEO Tools

Simple Word Counter

Search Engine Optimization

Word Counter

Enter your text/paragraph here:


Total Words: 0 | Total Characters: 0

About Word Counter

P-Supertools Word Counter is a free online word count tool that allows you to count words, and characters quickly and easily.

You can type your content directly in the blank box above or just paste it in from another page and our Word Counter will automatically count all the text.

The result for the word and character count for your content will be displayed below the text box.

If you want to know how many words are in your document, the free word counter will help you figure that out. 


What is WordCounter?

If you've ever struggled with counting words on a page, then you'll love our free WordCounter.  It's an amazing word counter that's designed to count words and phrases in any text.

With WordCounter, you can count words for a blog post, landing pages, social media posts, email and much more.

WordCounter is a powerful tool for writers, bloggers, marketers, and webmasters who need to track the number of words in their content.

It’s an easy tool to use and doesn’t require any technical skill. All you have to do is paste the content in the word counter box provided and start counting your words.


Why Would You Need an Online Word Counter?

The online word counter is the best fit for anyone who needs to keep a count of their words and characters but doesn't make use of Microsoft Word.

This tool is so easy to use that it can be used by anyone, no matter how technologically savvy. With our online word counter, you can easily keep track of your words and characters, and the results are always accurate.

When you're at the keyboard typing away, it's easy to lose track of how many words you've written.

In fact, if you don't know how many words you've written, it can be hard to gauge how well you're doing. By timing yourself, you'll know exactly how long you've been typing.

You can then use this information to determine how much you should aim to write per day.


How is Word Counter by P-Supertools Different from Others?

The tool is a one-page word counter which is easy to use. The tool automatically counts the number of words on the current page or article and displays the result.

The tool has been designed for people who want to write an article, a book or a thesis. It is useful for students, teachers, writers and journalists.

It is completely free and easy to use without a word count limit per day. 


Who is this Word Counting Tool for?

Our word counting tool is great for copywriters, bloggers, webmasters, students, teachers and anyone who is in the business of writing.

You can use our free word counter to quickly check your content length before delivering it to your client.

Any kind of text will work with our word counter, which makes it very flexible and user-friendly.


Related Tools:

If you have any questions, suggestions or issues using the rewriting tool, we are very much open to hearing from you. Kindly contact us via our technical support email.